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The GenerEhlist - CCFP Exam Prep, Low Risk Obstetrics & Canadian Primary Care Medicine

May 30, 2021

Written/Researched By: Braedon Paul

Peer Review By: Caleb Dusdal


STEP 1. [Objectives 1a/b/c, 8a]
Provide reassurance and develop rapport through validation of the problem and use of active listening skills.

STEP 2. [Objective 3a]
Evaluate the severity of the crisis and assess the patient’s mental, psychiatric,...

May 23, 2021

Objective One:
In a patient with a diagnosed chronic disease who presents with acute symptoms, diagnose: acute complications of the chronic disease acute exacerbations of the disease

Objective Two:
Regularly reassess adherence (compliance) to the treatment plan (including medications)

Objective Three:
In patients with...

May 16, 2021

Written & Researched By: Caleb Dusdal and Thomsen D'hont

The first of the new 105 CCFP Topics

Objective One:
In a patient with chronic pain: Establish the etiology, Reassess and periodically review the etiology and Periodically look for potential...