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The GenerEhlist - CCFP Exam Prep, Low Risk Obstetrics & Canadian Primary Care Medicine

Jul 11, 2021

Written By: Caleb Dusdal
Peer Review By: Sarah Donnelly

Objective One:
In patients complaining of leg pain and/or swelling, evaluate the likelihood of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) as investigation and treatment should differ according to the risk.

Objective Two:
In patients with high probability for thrombotic disease (e.g., extensive leg clot, suspected pulmonary embolism) start anticoagulant therapy if tests will be delayed.

Objective Three:
Identify patients likely to benefit from DVT prophylaxis.

Objective Four:
Utilize investigations for DVT allowing for their limitations (e.g., Ultrasound and D-dimer).

Objective Five:
In patients with established DVT, use oral anticoagulation appropriately, (e.g., start promptly, watch for drug interactions, monitor lab values and adjust dose when appropriate, stop warfarin when appropriate, provide patient teaching).

Objective Six:
Consider the possibility of an underlying coagulopathy in patients with DVT, especially when unexpected.

Objective Seven:
Use compression stockings in appropriate patients, to prevent and treat post-phlebetic syndrome.