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The GenerEhlist - CCFP Exam Prep, Low Risk Obstetrics & Canadian Primary Care Medicine

Nov 15, 2020

Script By: Thomsen D'hont
Peer-Review By: Hermeen Dhillon
Hosts: Caleb Dusdal, Thomsen D'hont, AND Christ Cochrane!

Objective One:
In all patients, always inquire about any allergy and clearly document it in the chart. Re-evaluate this periodically.

Objective Two:
Clarify the manifestations of a reaction in order to try to diagnose a true allergic reaction

Objective Three:
In a patient reporting allergy, ensure that the patient has the appropriate medication to control symptoms

Objective Four:
Prescribe an EpiPen to every patient who has a history of, or is at risk for, anaphylaxis.

Objective Five:
Educate appropriate patients with allergy and their families about the symptoms of anaphylaxis and the self-administration of the EpiPen, and advise them to return for immediate reassessment and treatment if those symptoms develop or if the EpiPen has been used.

Objective Six:
Advise patients with any known drug allergy or previous major allergic reaction to get a MedicAlert bracelet.

Objective Seven:
In a patient presenting with an anaphylactic reaction:
a) Recognize the symptoms and signs.
b) treat immediately and aggressively
c) Prevent a delayed hypersensitivity reaction through observation and adequate treatment

Objective Eight:
In patients with anaphylaxis of unclear etiology refer to an allergist for clarification of the cause.

Objective Nine:
In the particular case of a child with an anaphylactic reaction to food a) Prescribe an EpiPen for the house, car, school, and daycare.
b) Advise the family to educate the child, teachers, and caretakers about signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis, and about when and how to use the EpiPen.

Objective Ten:
In a patient with unexplained recurrent respiratory symptoms, include allergy in the differential diagnosis.