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The GenerEhlist - CCFP Exam Prep, Low Risk Obstetrics & Canadian Primary Care Medicine

Dec 6, 2020

Written and Researched by: Chris Cochrane
Reviewed by: Sarah Donnelly

Objective 1a.
In patients requiring antibiotic therapy, make rational choices first-line therapies for common bacterial infections:
- Simple Cystitis
- Complicated Cystitis/Pyelonephritis
- STI: Gonorrhea/Chlamydia
- Cellulitis and Erysipelas (non-purulent skin infections)
- Abscess (purulent skin infection)
- Impetigo
- Bacterial Community Acquired - Pneumonia
- Sinusitis
- Acute Otitis Media
- Acute Conjunctivitis
- Hyper-Acute Conjunctivitis

Objective 1b.
Make rational choices regarding knowledge of local resistance patterns:
Objective 1c.
Make rational choices with respect to patient’s medical and drug history:

Objective 1d.
Make rational choices regarding patient’s context:

Objective 2.
In patients with a clinical presentation suggestive of a viral infection, avoid prescribing antibiotics.

Objective 3.
In a patient with a purported antibiotic allergy, rule out other causes (e.g., intolerance to side effects, non-allergic rash) before accepting the diagnosis.

Objective 4.
Use a selective approach in ordering cultures before initiating antibiotic therapy (usually not in uncomplicated cellulitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and abscesses; usually for assessing community resistance patterns, in patients with systemic symptoms, and in immunocompromised patients).

Objective 5: In urgent situations (e.g., cases of meningitis, septic shock, febrile neutropenia), do not delay administration of antibiotic therapy (i.e., do not wait for confirmation of the diagnosis).