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The GenerEhlist - CCFP Exam Prep, Low Risk Obstetrics & Canadian Primary Care Medicine

Oct 31, 2021


  • Episode Written By : Patricia Massel, Rural Family Medicine PGY2
  • Episode Reviewed By : Dr. Maggie Watt (GP) & Dr. Milena Semproni (ID)
  • Hosts : Kyla Freeman, Patricia Massel, Caitlin Blewett
  • Episode Art : Aikansha Chawla


In the first of this two-part episode we will review some of the basic infectious disease screening tests in pregnancy. In part one we review the key tests to perform during the first prenatal visit that the family doctor should be able to manage themselves (urine cultures, rubella, varicella, chlamydia and gonorrhoea). We will also discuss GBS screening. Then come on back for part two when we review HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and the patient who presents in labour without any antenatal care including early ID screening.