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The GenerEhlist - CCFP Exam Prep, Low Risk Obstetrics & Canadian Primary Care Medicine

Jun 6, 2021

Written By: Chris Cochrane

Expert Review By: Dr. Nabeela Waja (Paediatrician)

Objective 1: In patients with croup, Identify the need for respiratory assistance (e.g., assess ABCs, fatigue, somnolence, paradoxical breathing, in drawing) and provide that assistance when indicated.



Objective 2:
Before attributing stridor to croup, consider other possible causes (e.g., anaphylaxis, foreign body (airway or esophagus), retropharyngeal abscess, epiglottitis).

Objective 3:
In any patient presenting with respiratory symptoms, look specifically for the signs and symptoms that differentiate upper from lower respiratory disease (e.g., stridor vs. wheeze vs. whoop).

Objective 4:
In a child presenting with a clear history and physical examination compatible with mild to moderate croup, make the clinical diagnosis without further testing (e.g., do not routinely X-ray).

Objective 5:
In patients with a diagnosis of croup, use steroids (do not under treat mild-to-moderate cases of croup).

Objective 6:
In a patient presenting with croup, address parental concerns (e.g., not minimizing the symptoms and their impact on the parents), acknowledging fluctuating course of the disease, providing a plan anticipating recurrence of the symptoms.